Saturday, October 19

A Shiny New PR: Staten Island Half Marathon

Apologies for the late post. Yes, I did run the Staten Island Half Marathon about a week ago (10/13/13). I just haven't had it in me to post a blog. Traveling took a lot out of me and I guess I needed to lay low for a while.

Nevertheless, the half marathon was really great. I ran much faster than my first half! The hills were long and tedious and I thought that the turnaround would be a lot sooner once I started seeing folks from the front of the pack lining the road on the other side... But, alas, I was a back pack gal this race. No shame, though. I still got a shiny new personal record (PR).

Original time: 2:58:22
NEW PR: 2:45:08

I'm delighted to report that I crushed my old PR by a whole 13 minutes!

Being there with my friends was awesome and I also got to meet another Oiselle Volée teammate!

Here's a pic of me and Gabrielle. We're sporting the really sweet hardware from a half marathon well done. :) She's a fast birdie. :)

Sadly I didn't get any other photos. This is what happens when your smartphone is become less intelligent as it ages. Meh. (At least it makes phone calls... most of the time. Le sigh. I'm tired of being broke!)

My stay in New York was truly wonderful thanks to some friends and their sofa! I ate well, ran well, and soaked up every minute of the weekend.

Here is my best photo during the race. I'm told (by my BFF, as a matter of fact) that I shouldn't look that good after 13.1 miles. Hehe. Guess I was a happy finisher! This was the 0.1 part of the race!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your PR!! Most excellent! I'm from da burgh too. I miss it!


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